Designing your new dental practice from top to bottom can be thrilling, to say the least. It’s also the symbolic culmination of where all those long hours in undergrad, dental school, and first years practicing have brought you. You’ve worked hard and want to ensure this venture proves just as successful as your previous endeavors. After hearing from hundreds of dentists on a path similar to yours, we have learned a thing or two about how the most successful dentists approach their construction process.
Chose Specialized Professionals
First things first; choose vendors (architect, construction, electrician, plumbing, etc.) who have strong experience with dental practices (even better if they specialize). Regardless of how some contractors may try to assure you, dental practices demand unique requirements and hiring someone who doesn’t understand that almost always sets you up for delays, unexpected issues, and potentially costly mistakes. It’s also important to hire and connect all vendors early in the process so that everyone is on the same page from the start. The electrician, plumber, and IT vendor’s work will be interconnected, so the sooner a coordinated effort is made, the more successful and seamless the construction process will be for everyone.
Define Your Vision
It probably goes without saying, but you should have a fairly specific vision of how you want your practice to look in 10, or even 20, years from now. Do you envision adding more ops? Bringing on an associate? To prepare for future growth, have your construction team wire and cable all potential areas you’d utilize. This way, if you decide to utilize space as an op in the future, it will already be setup to do so – saving you time, money, and hassle.
Remain Realistic and Open-Minded
Our last suggestion is to maintain realistic timelines and expectations. Give yourself plenty of time to ensure your vendors can do great work without feeling jam-packed. Never underestimate the value of speaking with colleagues who have been through a similar construction process before.
If you are starting a dental construction project, we’d love to discuss how we can help make your project a success. Contact us to start a conversation!
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