It goes without saying the pot of gold at the end of a hacker’s rainbow is personal, private data. And, one would assume that larger pools of such data would have a hacker’s mouth water and be the prime target for a potential breach.
So, since we promised you an answer to our Facebook trivia question of “When it comes to cyberattacks, which type of practice is more likely to be a target? Large, or small?” the answer is …
Smaller practices.
It seems backward, right? Kind of. But for these three reasons, it makes perfect sense.
- Less IT expertise. Hackers place smaller businesses in their crosshairs because they’re more likely to prioritize other expenses, leaving them with a lack of resources to employ proper security or protection.
- Less likely to have a firewall. No firewall? It’s like leaving the front door of your data house wide open. Once a hacker gets inside, they have access to data across the ENTIRE network. Smaller practices usually lack the proper layers of protection.
- Employees are less likely to be trained in information security. An organization that doesn’t enforce staff security policies is a much easier and thus more appealing target than, say, a large corporation that constantly invests in expert training and building awareness. IBM reports that 52 percent of breaches are caused by human error or system failure – 48 percent by malicious intent.
Stay tuned, as we’ll have more trivia questions each month. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to show off your knowledge by casting your vote.
Posted in Other